1. 内容要有价值:内容应该具有可读性、可用性和可分享性。这意味着你的内容必须能够吸引读者并帮助他们获得信息或答案。如果你想要优秀的内容,就必须考虑到用户在寻找什么样的信息,然后将其提供出来。
2. 写作风格要独特:当人们浏览文章时,不是所有人都会阅读整篇文章。因此,你需要使用一些独特的表达方式来吸引读者注意力并留下印象。这里有几点原则可供遵循: 使用易理解的字眼; 频繁使用子标题; 把重要信息集中在前几行; 用图片、GIFs或其他多媒体来补充文字; 使用适当大小的字体大小; 要么让文章直奔主题, 要么让文章浪潮般上升, 最后带来一个惊喜!
3. SEO优化是必不可少的: SEO(Search Engine Optimization)是一门复杂而庞大的学问, 学习SEO能帮助你将内容优化到Google/Bing/Yahoo之类的搜索引擎上, 这样才能在”时代”中生存. SEO优化应考虑如下方面: 搜索引擎已有数量庞大、难以想象之多keywords(关键词); 高水平meta description (Meta Description) ; 高水平title tag (Title Tag); URL optimization (URL 优化); Internal Linking Structure (内部连接); Image Alt Text and File Names (图片Alt Text & 文件名).
4. 多样性是快速成功之道 : 写作不光是blog post , 还有video blog post , podcast , webinar , infographic 等 . 多样性能帮助你将相同信��呈现出不同形式, 例如infographic能将厚长难看之数字&statistics呈现得生动明了 . video blog post & podcast 能带来声音&visual effect . webinar 则能带来interactive experience .
5. Social Media Marketing : Social media marketing is an important part of content marketing as it helps to spread the word about your content and build relationships with potential customers or readers who may be interested in what you have to offer them. You can use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to promote your content by sharing links or images that will direct people back to your website or blog where they can read more about the topic you are discussing in your article or watch a video related to it if you have one available on YouTube for example. Additionally, engaging with other users on these platforms through comments and likes can help create a sense of community around your brand which will encourage people to come back again in the future when they need more information from you regarding a certain topic or product that you are offering them.
6 Content Promotion : Once you have created great content that is valuable and interesting for readers then it's time to start promoting it so that more people become aware of its existence! This could involve using paid advertising campaigns such as Google AdWords or Facebook Ads but also includes organic methods like email newsletters and social media posts which don't cost anything but still reach out effectively into different audiences depending on their interests online.. Additionally there are many websites dedicated solely towards helping promote articles such as Reddit where users upvote stories they find interesting so make sure not forget this option too when looking at ways of getting exposure for your work!